Comments on: We Have Ways of Making You Talk: Guest Blog Post by Emily Weir author of the blog "TeachNSpeech" Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:18:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:18:15 +0000 In reply to Morgan Fellows.

Hi Morgan,
So glad you liked the post.
To answer your questions about offering a stuffed animal as a reward for answering questions I have a couple thoughts.
First of all, that is going to get very expensive! If you work in a school setting where funds are usually tight, it will have to come out of your pocket. I guess if you think you can afford that, you could offer a reward.
Second, once they are used to expecting a pretty big toy or reward, to keep them motivated you are most likely going to have to up the ante so to speak! What is next? Stuffed animal, larger toy, DVD, Video Game, etc. etc. It might be hard to keep up that type of reinforcer.
Third, my personal opinion is keep the “rewards” based on something like attending speech, being positive, working hard, staying focused. Use lots of verbal praise for saying sounds correctly using a reinforcement schedule that will help strengthen their correct responses.
Does that make sense? let me know your thoughts!

By: Morgan Fellows Sun, 18 Aug 2013 04:45:59 +0000 I love that cartoon above! 🙂 That is one sure way to getting you to talk! Anyhow, I like the ideas that you have presented here in your blog post. Making a game out speech therapy is a great way to motivate kids to get them to articulate and express themselves.
But what do you think about promising a reward as an incentive for encouraging children to successfully complete a speech therapy milestone (in the form of a game of course). For example, the kids who are able to answer all of the questions all win a stuffed animal toy (or something like that).

By: Word to the Wise Speech Thu, 07 Mar 2013 02:33:50 +0000 These are great ideas! I especially like the conversation beach ball, at this point in the year my students have been cooped up all winter and are especially excited to do activities that involve getting up and moving around.

By: Kendra Egan Wed, 06 Mar 2013 02:02:32 +0000 Emily! Great post! This is very helpful and I cant wait to these ideas out! Thanks!
